Wednesday, May 28, 2008

See How It Works

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Bibliography of Non-Online Sources

  • Cole, Nancy, and P.J. Skerrett. Renewables Are Ready. White River Junction: Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 1995.
  • Cothran, Helen. Global Resources. Farmington Hills: Greenhaven Press, 2003.
  • Nemzer, Marilyn. Energy for keeps. Tiburon: Energy Education Group, 2005.
  • Schlager, Neil, and Jayne Weisblatt. "Volume 1." Alternative Energy. Farmington Hills: Thomson Gale,
  • • Beninstein, Paula. Alternative Energy- Facts, Statistics and Issues. Westport, CT: Oryx Press, 2001.
  • • Fleischmann, Daniel. E-mail interview. 22 May 2008.
  • • Hoff, Mary, and Mary M Rodgers. Groundwater. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Company, 1991.
  • • Raven, Peter H, and Linda R Berg. "Geothermal Energy." Environment. 4th ed. 2004.
  • • Sawin, Janet L. Mainstreaming Renewabke Energy in the 21st Century. N.p.: State of the World Library, 2004.